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Visual Basic

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Visual Basic
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Abstractvb English - Hundreds of free Visual Basic and VB.NET source code snippets, activeX controls, tutorials and articles covering both VB.NET code and VB6 code! Our visual basic code area is one of the best on the net! Grab some free vb code in our vb source code section!
Acky English - Visual Basic Downloads, Support Forum, Tutorials. Demonstrates an ActiveX control that looks like the tabs found in Microsoft Excel.
CESPage English - Visual Basic offers Visual Basic Source Code, Tutorials, Information, Weblinks and more.
CodeGuru English - ActiveX COM, Bitmap, Books, Controls, Database, Dialogs, Embedded, Files, Forms, GDI, Graphics, Internet, Miscellaneous, Multimedia, Network, NewsGroups, OCX Controls, Download free and shareware OCX controls, Shell, System, Text, Tips, Tools, Tutorials, Win32, Wireless-Mobile, XML.
Code English - Hundreds of Visual Basic source code snippets and files. Copy and paste code from your browser directly into Visual Basic. Download complete visual basic projects. Search our extensive Visual Basic source code database.
Discutindo Visual Basic HP Portuguese - Conheça o nosso novo Fórum: Conheça e tire suas dúvidas em nosso novo fórum, totalmente dividido em tópicos para melhor interação de seus visitantes! Conheça agora o "Fórum" que inspirou o nome do site Discutindo Visual Basic.
Explorer English - A site dedicated to the novice VB programmer, or newbie. Includes plenty of tutorials, sample programs, links, books, downloads and message boards.
FreeVbCode English - Visual Basic Samples and Source Code for Free. This site has free and high-quality code written in Visual Basic -- and a discussion forum. All code is tested before it is posted. New code is added every day.
Instinct English - Topics: Compilers, Component technologies, Cryptography, Database, Files & Folders, General programming, Graphics & Multimedia, GUI elements, Networking, Peripherals, Scripting, VB.NET, Web, Windows. Downloads: Runtime Files, Source.
Linguagens de Programação Portuguese - Algoritmos, C++, HTML e Web, Java, Visual Basic, Artigos, Links, Tutoriais, Grupo de discussão, Fórum
MSDN Online Windows Script English - Windows Script is a comprehensive scripting infrastructure for the Microsoft Windows platform. Windows Script provides two script engines, Visual Basic Scripting Edition and Microsoft JScript, which can be embedded into Windows Applications. It also provides an extensive array of supporting technologies that makes it easier for script users to script Windows applications.
Macoratti Portuguese - Visual Basic - Banco de Dados : Tudo para você aprender a usar o VB com banco de dados . Diversos Projetos Exemplos , codigo fonte documentados, artigos completos sobre o Visual Basic. Migração ADO/DAO, Erros ADO-OLEDB, ADO-RDS KB, VB6 - AdoDC - Data Control, Acessando o registro do Windows, Conversão DAO-DAO, Data Report, Validação e Critica de dados, VB6 - Tratando Arquivos e Diretórios, Novas funções do VB6, Usando TreeView, ADO - Usando Transações, Subformulários no VB, ADO - Connection, VB 6.0, Datas e o ano 2000, Programe c/o mouse, MsFlexGrid e ADO, Dbgrid com Listbox, Criando Arquivos, Gerando HTML, SQL - Extraindo informaçoes, VB6 - Data Environment, VB6 - Data Report, Usando ListView com ADO, ADO e fonte de dados - Schemas, Migração DAO/ADO
O'Reilly English - O'Reilly is a leader in technical and computer book documentation for Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, the .Net Framework, and C#. The center features Windows books, articles, resources, and news.
Planet Source Code English - Visual basic, vb, vbscript,source code, programs, tutorials and help.
Programmers Heaven English - Programmers' Heaven - For free C++, Visual Basic, ASP, sourcecode, programming, javascript, code, delphi, pascal and more.
Samples English - Arcata Pet Visual Basic Samples. Arcata Pet produces shareware image viewers, wallpaper managers, and screen savers.
Script English - Directory focused on VBScript consisting of thousands of links to ASP.Net, Visual Basic, ASP, SQL, XML, VBScript, WAP, VB.Net, DHTML tutorials, codes, applications.
SearchVB English - Free online directory and web guide featuring thousands of programming resources for Visual Basic developers. Browse thousands of categorized web resources for Visual Basic programmers. You'll find the latest VB News, VB Source Code, VB Tutorials, VB Forums, and much more.
Setup Generator English - FREE Download Setup Generator: Languages: If the language you need is not in the Setup Generator you have installed on your computer, download and unzip one of these language files into the Language subdir of Setup Generator.
TheScarms English - TheScarms Visual Basic Code Library is dedicated to providing solutions to hard to solve programming issues. Problems covered those that are difficult to solve solely with Visual Basic. Many solutions rely heavily on the Microsoft Windows API functions.
Thunder English - Welcome to Visual Basic Thunder, version 4.0! This site is dedicated to providing you with the advanced-level programming techniques that you're looking to implement in your applications.
Tutorials English - Here is an enormous resource of free Visual Basic tutorials, suitable for those studying for certification or for anyone just wanting to find out more.
VBForums English - Visual Basic Discussions plus .NET, C#, game programming, and more.
VBWire English - Visual Basic News & Information Source: VB Forums, About VBWire, Advanced VB, Link to VBWire, Links, Resources, Newsletter, ASPWire, PocketPCWire, Database Journal.
Vbip English - Visual Basic Internet Programming website offers tutorials, articles, source code and other resources devoted to the Visual Basic developers.
Visual Basic Home English - Welcome to the MSDN Visual Basic Developer Center. You'll find information on the most productive tool for building .NET-connected applications. Product Information - How to Buy - Registration - Using Visual Basic .NET - Downloads - Support & Community - Previous Versions.
World English - ActiveX Development, Controls and Forms, File and Directory, Internet Programming, Mouse and Keyboard, Windows API, Beginning Visual Basic, Database Development, Graphics and Multimedia, Miscellaneous, Using the Registry.


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