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All Linux Devices Inglês - Your Daily Source for Embedded Linux Information.
BSD Today Inglês - Your Daily Source for BSD News and Information
Central Inglês - The root for Linux resources, including low cost CD's, official distributions, books, software, and applications. Linux Central CD-ROMs , Commercial Linux Distributions , Linux Applications and Software , Linux Books , Technical Books , Serial Display Modules , Bootable Network Cards , Keyboards , Misc Hardware , Linux Central Packages , Linux Gear , Training and Certification
Conectiva Português - Distribuições - Distributions
Corel Inglês - Corel supports the Linux community and is committed to developing products for the Linux operating system, including Corel LINUX OS, Corel's Linux distribution; WordPerfect Office for Linux, Corel's office suite for Linux; and CorelDraw for Linux, Corel's graphics suite for Linux.
Debian Português - English - O Debian é um sistema operacional (SO) livre para seu computador. Um sistema operacional é um conjunto de programas básicos e utilitários que fazem seu computador funcionar. O Debian usa o kernel (centro de um sistema operacional), Linux, mas a maior parte das ferramentas do SO vêm do projeto GNU; daí o nome GNU/Linux. O Debian GNU/Linux é mais que um simples SO: ele vem com mais de 3950 pacotes contendo softwares pré-compilados e distribuídos em um bom formato, que torna fácil a instalação deles na sua máquina. ***** This page is available in other languages. *****
Enterprise Linux Today Inglês - News and Information
Gimp Inglês - All the GIMP thats fit to download and a little bit more. What to Look for Latest GIMP Stable Version 1.2.1 Latest GIMP Developers Version N/A For detailed information on the install process, please take a look at the install help page. FTP and Web Mirrors
In Brazil Português - Linux in Brazil, informações originais e de qualidade sobre Linux, em Português. notícias, fóruns, listas, artigos, enquetes
Johns Linux Inglês - PPP information, John's DNS tools,PHP Module to do SMB authentication, MySQL-Dict, How to prepare RedHat linux for a server roll, Using Samba and automount to support removable media, How to pronounce Linux, Booting Linux from the NT boot loader, Network Disk-copy, Using pam_smbpasswd on RedHat 7.2, Patch a running Linux Kernel, Patch to linux 2.2.19 to make a user suspend start a structured shutdown, ACPI Message LED for SiS630 Chipset, SMBFS, RawWrite for Windows, EXT2IFS file system driver for Windows NT, Explore2fs, the NT/95 explorer for Linux ex2fs partitions, Free Linux VPN software that works, Java code.
Justlinux Inglês - The Complete Linux Guide - is a complete guide to the rapidly growing Linux community. The website connects visitors to the Linux community through its array of free services including Email Forwarding, Homepage Redirect, Dynamic DNS and the Linux Registry. Users can get Linux help or discuss current events in the Discussion area. Users can build their and include justlinux content plus tech news from mulitple sources.
KOffice Inglês - KOffice is a free, integrated office suite for KDE, the K Desktop Environment. KOffice Applications: KWord, KSpread, KPresenter, Kivio, Kontour, Krita, Kugar, KPlato, KChart, KFormula. *** Import/Export: Filters *** Download: Binaries, Source, Cliparts.
Linux Laptops Inglês - Linux on Laptops maintained by Kenneth E. Harker.
Linux Printing Inglês - - The Printing HowTo Support Database
LinuxES Português - Página oficial do Linux no Espírito Santo. Seja bem-vindo à LINUXES!!! Parabéns, você é mais um dos que acreditam no potencial de crescimento do Linux no estado; e sendo assim, você esta no lugar certo. MENU: Principal , Quem somos , Grupo de Usuários , Programas , Treinamento , Serviços , Trampo , Loja Linux , Eventos , Docs , Links , Configurações , Bate-papo , Colabore!!! , Sugestões , E-mail
Linuxnewbie Inglês - Welcome to Wanna learn Linux
Linux Inglês - Linux Distributions - Welcome to the new linux distribution page! Eventually this will include a complete list of all the various distributions. They will each have an entire page where you'll find news and information about their distribution and what it has to offer.
Little Igloo Inglês -, a HOT Linux Place. Find all you want to know about Linux here. Download Linux, Linux Tutorial, Software Download
Mandrake Inglês - Mandrake Linux is a graphical Linux system which provides ease of use and solidity for both home and office. It is freely available in many languages, all over the world.
Marks Português - Linux redhat debian forum distribuções artigos tutoriais documentação ldp ldp-br
O Linux Português - Programação, jogos, tutoriais, segurança, documentação, entrevistas e links ARTIGOS , Gravando CDs no Linux , Interfaces gráficas no Linux , Conheça os principais ambientes de desktop...(Introdução) , Curso de shell script: Aula II , Comandos fundamentais para a criação de scripts...(Programação) , Partições e sistemas de arquivos no ambiente Linux, Aprenda conceitos sobre partições e sistema de arquivos...(Administração) , Instalando placas 3DFX , Detalhes da configuração e instalação de placas 3D, ideais para jogos como Quake.(Hardware) , Offices para Linux , Confira as suites de aplicativos Office disponíveis para Linux, começando pelo Gnome Office e Koffice...(Aplicativos)
PHPBuilder Inglês - Articles , COM Functions in PHP4 , Sessions With PHP4, Serious Web Applications With PHP & PostgreSQL , Apache on WIN32, Storing Binary Data In a DB, PHP, MySQL and images, Cached Dynamic Modules, Regular Expressions, FDF Support in PHP, DOM XML: An Alternative to Expat, Sending Mail With PHP3, PHP-Based Chat Room, PHP and Classes, PHP Layout Class, Open Source Databases: As the Tables Turn
PhatLINUX Inglês - Phat Linux is a distribution of the Linux operating system that can be installed on a Windows computer with ease. With its revolutionary installation techniques, you can install Phat Linux on your computer, without repartitioning your hard drive. This means you are free to experminent with Linux, while keeping Windows intact.
Red Hat Inglês - Red Hat is the destination for Linux, Embedded Linux, and open source solutions. We provide Linux-based support, documentation, downloads, training.
Slackware Inglês - Highlights of this release include KDE 3.0.1, GNOME 1.4.1 (with new additions like Evolution), the long-awaited Mozilla 1.0 browser, support for many new filesystems like ext3, ReiserFS, JFS, and XFS, and support for several new SCSI and ATA RAID controllers.
Start Inglês - Applications Communications, Office... Business Consulting, Development... Development C/C++, Libraries, Tools... Distributions Distributors, Mini, Single Floppy... Documentation HOW-TOs, Books... Games Action, Adventure, Strategy... Information Mailing Lists, News... Linux Links Lots of Linux related pages. Miscellaneous Laptops, Palm Pilot... Networking Clustering, Protocols... Newbies Tips & Tricks, Tutorials... Support Commercial, Usergroups... System Drivers, Kernel, Security... X11 KDE, Gnome, Servers...
Tech Linux Português - Kernel 2.4.18, glibc 2.2.4, KDE 2.2.2, Koffice2 1.1.1, Gnome 1.4, abiword 0.99.2, gnumeric 1.0.4, reprodutores de vídeos, suporte à DVDs, winmodens PCtel, Lucent e Smartlink, milhares de impressoras, utilização dos dois CDs na instalação e vários jogos. Estas são apenas algumas novidades do Tech Linux 3.0.
TheBox Sistemas Operacionais Alternativos Português - Sistemas Operacionais. informações, screenshots, links . Linux, BeOs, Vos2, *BSD, Qnx, Amoeba, ReactOS ....
Today Inglês - Linux News On Internet Time
Tucows Downloads Inglês - Linux · Download Library · Head of the Herd · Top Picks · What's New! · News & Editorial · Help Center · Mailing Lists
Turbolinux Inglês - Enterprise software for automated server deployment and Linux operating environments.
WinLinux Inglês - WinLinux is a full Linux system for Windows users. It is the easiest to use and to install Linux distribution, its installation and configuration tasks are performed directly from Windows with graphical tools Windows users are used to. Download: Kexplorer (Desktop), GNU Chess (Games), Downloader for X (Internet), gFTP (Internet), Knapster (Internet), KVIrc (Internet), Licq (Internet), WinLinux 2000 Development Pack (Software Development), WLDP KDE 2 Addon (Software Development), WLDP Qt 2 addon (Software Development).
X MultiMedia System Inglês - Base Distribution: XMMS 1.2.7, XMMS for Redhat 6.x, Mirrors / Older versions, XMMS for Redhat 7.x, RedHat Plugin Packages: (1.2.7) Redhat 6.x & Redhat 7.x ( Esound output/ Mikmod input / Gnomexmms dock applet / Ogg Vorbis input / OpenGL Visual plugin)


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Aepe - WebMaster House
Desenvolvido e Atualizado por
Alberto E. P. Esteves
(013) 9771-7861
Desde: 1994

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