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6.270 - MITs Autonomous Robot Design Competition Inglês - controller, course notes, contest description, and schedule - photos, videos, media clippings, information about old controllers, and the webpages of robots that participated.
Acroname Inc for Easier Robotics Inglês - Robotics: articles, brainstem, examples, forums, gallery, ideas, information, LEGO, mailing list,PPRK,TEA - Products: accessories, batteries, books, controllers, drivers, kits, lego,locomotion, sensors
Artificial Intelligence Inglês - AAAI - Welcome to the American Association for Artificial Intelligence! - Founded in 1979, the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.
Asimo Japonês - HONDA - Humanoid Robot
Automation Group Inglês - (Parker Online Catalog) - Guided Cylinders, Pneumatic Rotary, Motorized Linear Actuators, Motorized Rodiess Actuators, Structural Framing Systems, Vacuum Products, Automation Components, Airline accessories, Air Preparation Units ...
Connecticut Robotics Society Inglês - We are a unique group of friends, experimenters, and mad scientists who meet monthly in Hartford, Connecticut.
DPRG Inglês - Dallas Personal Robotics Group - DPRG: Under the Hood, Robot Links, Past Newsletters, Robot Pictures, DPRG mailing list, GARP, Contest Video, DPRG T-Shirt Designs, Other DPRG Stuff
Demo-Files Inglês - RoboForge PC Game Demo by Liquid Edge - (Action) - Construction, Training, Testing, Tournaments,
EPFL Autonomous Systems Lab Inglês - About the Group, People, Research Projects, Conferences , Publications, Robot Systems, Job Opportunities, Education, Partners, Contact
Fire-Fighter Robot Inglês - The Fire-Fighting Home Robot Contest is held on Trinity's campus in Hartford, CT. Open to entrants of any age, ability, or experience from anywhere in the world, this is the largest true robotics competition held in the United States. The contest will be held April 15-16, 2000 at Trinity College. Savage Innovation will be a sponsor this year.
First Robotics Inglês - Products, Documents, White Paper, Online Ordes - Quick Downloads - System Manual, Default Program, Victor 883 Datasheet, Victor 883 Users Manual, Spike Blue Manual, Spike Red Manual,
Gleason Research Inglês - Handy Board
H&Y Robotics Lab. Inglês - Snake's Biomechanism , Snake-like Robots, Walking Robots, Mobile Robots, Rover, Sensor, TITech Driver
Humanoid Robotics Group Inglês - MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
International Design Contest Inglês - (Japanese Site) IDC (International Design Contest) is a competition in which students from universities around the world come together to design and build robots while working as a member of a multinational team.
Jsk Home page Inglês - Perception-Action Integrated Humanoid H6 and H7, Portable Network Robot, Tendon-driven Robot & Soft Spine Robot, Gel Robot, Remoto Brained, Friendly Artifact, Artificial Skin, Motion Planning Of Humanoid Robot, 3D-Vision, Sensor Integration Architecture, H5, H4, JROB1, Saika, HyperMouse, HyperScooter,
Lego Mindstorms Inglês - Kits LEGO
LifeFormations Inglês - From award winning animatronic characters to immersive themed environments, LifeFormations creates the most realistic and imaginative projects available to the museum, themed entertainment and trade show markets.
Mobotsim Inglês - Mobile Robot Simulator - MOBOTSIM is a software (Win 9x/Me/NT/2000) for 2D simulation of differential drive mobile robots. It provides a graphical interface that represents an environment in which you can easily create, set and edit robots and objects. In order to set these mobots in motion MOBOTSIM has a BASIC Editor in which the user can write macros making use of specific functions to get information about mobots coordinates and sensor data and to set speed and driving data for them, as well as making use of all the power and ease of BASIC language to program navigation techniques.
New Technology Foundation MICROMOUSE Committee Inglês - MICROMOUSE - ALL JAPAN MICROMOUSE CONTEST - Other Micromouse Pages
Northeastern PA Robotics Society Inglês - "NePARS" is an informal group of hobbyists, experimenters, and robot builders who meet monthly in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Our membership is a diverse group composed of people with many different backgrounds and experience levels. Our interests include, but are not limited to, electronics, mechanics, fun, and the science related to automation and homebuilt robotics.
Resource Kit Inglês - Resource Kit A Robot laboratory for Teaching Artificial Intelligence - Contents : A Robot Laboratory for Teaching Artificial Intelligence (SIGCSE 98 Paper), Outfitting a Robot laboratory, Sample Syllabus for an AI Course, The Robot Exercise, Robot Laboratory Handout, A Sample Control Program,
RoboCup Official Site Inglês - RoboCup is an international joint project to promote AI, robotics, and related field. It is an attempt to foster AI and intelligent robotics research by providing a standard problem where wide range of technologies can be integrated and examined. RoboCup chose to use soccer game as a central topic of research, aiming at innovations to be applied for socially significant problems and industries.
Robomedia - Entertainment Robots Inglês - Interactive entertainment robots amaze audiences and make unforgettable impressions anywhere. RoboMedia delivers turnkey robot entertainment for special events, corporate events, marketing, education & entertainment.
Robot Cafe Inglês - Robotics News, Tutorials, Forums, Links, Robotics news, tutorials, and discussion forums. Links to robot kits, competitions, companies, hobby clubs, hardware, software, universities and movies. Learn how to build robots for competitions or just for fun! Discover more about artificial intelligence, electronics, and mechanics. Read about mobile robots, educational toys, walking robots, space robotics, and underwater robots. Enter competitions like Robot Wars, Micromouse, Robot Sumo, and RoboCup!
Robot Ralphie Inglês - Robots 2 Go, Inc., A Unique Robotic Entertainment, Interactive Marketing and Sales Promotion Resource, Presents Robot "RALPHIE ", the Only Futuristic, Special Event Robotic SuperStar in the Known Universe!
Robot Store Inglês - Robots Kits, Muscle Wires, SMA's, Electronics, Parts, and More!!! ---
Robotic Design Studio Inglês - LEGO - Franklyn Turbak of the Computer Science Department and Robbie Berg of the Physics Department have been developing a new course at Wellesley College called Robotic Design Studio. In this introductory WinterSession course students learn how to design, assemble, and program robots made out of LEGO parts, sensors, motors, and a palm-sized computer. The course culminates in a robot talent show where participants get to exhibit your creation to the College community. These projects tie together aspects of a surprisingly wide range of disciplines, including computer science, physics, math, biology, psychology, engineering, and art.
Robotic Vehicles Group Inglês - NASA - The Robotic Vehicles Group performs research, development, and tests of mobile robots in support of planetary exploration missions and terrestrial applications for NASA and other Government agencies. Current operational vehicles range from microrovers weighing under 5 kilograms that are designed for planetary exploration, to 3,000 kilogram military trucks, to rover testbeds with demonstrated cross-country autonomous navigation capability. Other vehicles include teleoperated robots for investigation of hazardous materials spills. Current activities include the development of an autonomous, behavior-controlled microrover for science and sample acquisition on the Moon and Mars. The group carries out research in:
Robots ActivMedia Robotics Inglês - Choose a Robot, Robotics Software and Simulators , Classroom Use, Accessories & Guides ,
Salamander Inglês - The Robotronic Sludge Crawler Project.
San Francisco Inglês - San Francisco Robotics Society of America - Free Monthly Meetings All Welcome!
Sarcoman Inglês - Sarcoman is an entertainment robot that is remotely controlled by a human operator (an appropriatley trained comedian)
World Robotics Inglês - Personal and service robots, Leisure and education robots, Robotics services and accessories , Scientific and technological advancements, Robotic art , Industrial applications,


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Aepe - WebMaster House
Desenvolvido e Atualizado por
Alberto E. P. Esteves
(013) 9771-7861
Desde: 1994

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